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A series of furniture pieces we designed for a dental clinic in Surat.

We were told to make earthy yet vibrate volumes so as to reinvent the drab concept of “dental clinics “and “hospital stereotypes" that go round. The brief included creating earthiness and vibrancy in the given volumes. We tried to create a sense of harmony and balance by a rhythmical repetition of simple lines. The monotony was broken by carefully designed handles, voids and angular surfaces.

The fabrics were selected to contrast with the neutral monotones of the concrete walls and the flooring whilst adding life to the spaces.

The designs were inspired by the natural variations of reclaimed Valsadi Teak and the symbol Dr. Manhattan draws on his forehead in the Watchmen Movie.

The back office was fabricated off site in three parts.

a. The structure

b. The infills

c. The furniture

The structure was made in MS sections, the infills were designed in patterned fabrics sandwiched in glass with a wooden beading. The patterns on the fabrics were done in two parts. One panel was to have fabrics of different weave intensities and the other was to have a pattern stitched on it to be in sync with the patterns on the furniture pieces. . AC ducting trays and services were incorporated in the design for easy installation. The whole assembly was completed in 3 days.

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