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This project was our attempt to explore the notion of “Duality” and its potential of imbalance using simple materials. The existing design by the architect had a mosaic of materials cutting and dividing the spaces in parts. We went a step further with this idea with the furniture pieces we designed for the spaces.

Our interpretation of wabi-sabi had numerous potentials which we realised can be extended into this project. By deconstructing simple materials and recomposing them unconventionally, a sense of curiosity and tension is created in the sudden change. The pieces, designed as continuous lines were suddenly thrown off balance by simply chiselling out certain parts of the pieces that did not fit the narrative. This sense of imbalance was also applied to the centre table by having a cone with a shifted centre resting on a smaller brass cylinder. Intangible notions like duality, imbalance and contrast can be manifested in many ways and it is the perpetual goal to always manifest and embody these notions in ordinary functional objects.

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