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This project was commissioned by an eminent architect in Surat who also gave us our first project.

We discussed their belief in the god - Shreenathji, in our initial discussions. The brief also required us to accommodate a mural of Shreenathji at the entrance of the house.

Shreenathji is considered Lord Krishna’s reincarnation and is symbolised by the black hue in the iconography. We decided on using hues of blue to black as a metaphor for the client’s beliefs.

The design started with a partition unit with translucent screens and storage units, which expanded to the double-sided swing. This created an enclosure for the dining area in the open plan of the building while still keeping it connected to the other spaces.

Using the theme, “Krishna’s Blues”, we were able to explore and incorporate Indigo fabric and blue wood stains in the pieces. We continued the theme of using “Krishna’s blues” in various pieces through wood stains and patchwork in Indigo fabrics.

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