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Our first furniture design project. We had to develop typical furniture for three rooms in a hundred year old Parsi property in the town of Navsari. This bungalow was one of three in the estate and was to act as the guesthouse for the client. Keeping in mind the antiquity of the house, the design language was our interpretation of mid-century modern furniture style. The requirements were a bed, side tables and a console to store extra bed sheets and pillows for all of the rooms. The idea was to characterise each room and so they were distinguished by the colour of the furniture within them: red, yellow and blue.

Our debut into furniture design entailed developing and laying a foundation for not only our drawing and detailing styles but also the methodology of design to production. This workflow is what we would ultimately use in all of our future furniture projects.

Having worked on this project very closely with the carpenter who was at the same town at the time, we realised it was crucial to have the synergy between the carpenter and the designer to in order to make holistic designs. The basic understanding of wood work, co-ordination and detailing ensures no mistakes left for the carpenter in making the final piece.

With the background of architecture it was diving into uncharted waters but we realised that with a good sense of design, the humility to learn from your craftsmen and the skill to make good drawings, it is not that difficult to work on a smaller scale of design.

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